Top Hearing Aid Myths
Top hearing aid myths
Hearing aids are among the most misunderstand technologies. They have evolved over the past few decades to become incredibly sophisticated and capable of automatically analyzing the surroundings to provide sound that is balanced and natural – all this in a tiny size that is still easy to use but barely noticeable to onlookers.
Just consider how cell phones have evolved in the past few decades. Hearing aids have undergone the same incredible pace of innovation and advancement. But these miracles of technology still face many myths.
These are the top hearing aid myths that we often hear.
Hearing aids are bulky and noticeable
This is true for older styles of hearing aids, when they relied on analog equipment or before digital technology was as tiny as it is today. There are now hearing aid styles that are hidden from onlookers and barely noticeable – if at all.
As exciting as these devices are, some people find them not ideal because they can be easier to misplace. That’s why we carry a range of hearing aids in a mix of styles and sizes.
They are for people with extreme hearing loss
Hearing aids offer remarkable opportunities for individuals with extreme hearing loss, and these opportunities are also available for people with less severe hearing challenges. For some, hearing aids offer clarity in noisier environments like restaurants. For others, hearing aids make it easier to have conversations with family and friends.
Everyone is different – and their hearing is no exception. We assess your hearing when you visit Hearing Care Clinic and then let you know how hearing aids might improve your hearing.
Hearing aids will make me look old
Hearing challenges impact people of all ages, so this myth has had negative consequences on younger individuals who require assistive devices.
Modern hearing aids are available in styles that fit behind the ear or even in the ear canal, so you can find a discrete pair that few will even notice.
Hearing aid technology is expensive
Like all technology, hearing aids are available in a selection of functions and styles. Consider the televisions available at your local electronics store: they come in all sizes with different technologies and features. Some people value large, high definition televisions, while others only have the space to fit a tiny device in their home. It is up to the individual to decide which device will work best for their viewing needs, home and budget.
It’s the same for hearing aids. We carry models with a variety of functions and styles, and we will help you decide which device will match your hearing difficulties, budget and preferences.
They are not covered by benefits, insurance or financial support
Hearing aids are often not a discretionary device. They are necessary for health and well-being, so there are a number of options available to help fund hearing aids. You can see a few of the
hearing aid funding options available in British Columbia, or you can visit our clinics to discuss the personalized options that can help cover the costs.
All hearing aids are the same
We are always excited to talk about the latest in hearing aid technology because the features available range from seamless integration with other devices to apps on your smartphone. Hearing aids are among the most advanced technology.
For you, this means that there are hearing aids that will succeed in improving your hearing while fitting into your work and lifestyle. It’s our job to recommend the options that are the best fit.
Hearing aids sound unnatural
Hearing aids are incredibly tiny computers that process noise and output sound that is attuned to your ears. This means that sounds aren’t just amplified, they are automatically adjusted so the balance is natural.
They’re annoying to use
For such small packages, hearing aids are intuitive and simple to operate. As the electronics and digital technologies have improved, so have the interfaces to operate them. Many hearing aids automatically adjust to your surroundings, so you will always hear the sounds you want without having to toggle any switches or adjust any levels. You’ll forget you are even wearing hearing aids. And many hearing aids have internal batteries that can be recharged while you sleep, so you don’t have to fiddle with tiny batteries.
Hearing aid wearers always complain about their hearing aids
When hearing aids don’t fit or function properly, they can be annoying to use. Fortunately, there’s an easy solution: we’ll make sure your hearing aids fit and function through regular fittings and follow-up appointments. We want your hearing aids to never be annoying or uncomfortable.