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How to know whether hearing aids will help

The value of hearing aids does depend on how useful they will be for you. We have helped many individuals with all types and severity of hearing loss to use hearing aids, and the benefits to their daily lives at home and work are often priceless.

If hearing aids will help you, they are indeed worth it.

Get a free hearing test
The results from a hearing assessment will help you understand the state of your hearing and how hearing aids might help. Everyone is different, so our hearing specialists will take the time to understand any hearing challenges you may have as they complete a comprehensive assessment.
Start with a free hearing test – then you’ll know whether hearing aids are a good option for you.

The benefits beyond sound
At the core, a hearing aid has a microphone, sound processor and speaker. Hearing aids assess the environment you’re in and process the sounds based on what you can hear well and what you have trouble hearing. The output is a balanced sound that helps you understand speech and manage noise.
While hearing aids will improve the sounds you’ll hear, they also have other benefits that are sometimes overlooked. Hearing aids can be incredibly helpful for your daily life – at home, at work or wherever you may be.

  • Improve your memory: When you have to think about what was said, you don’t have the same opportunity to commit what you hear to memory.
  • Reduce accidents and falls: Hearing is essential for understanding your surroundings. Individuals with hearing loss tend to be at a higher risk of falls and accidents. In fact, hearing aids can contribute to better balance.
  • Relieve stress: It’s challenging to always be focused on every word, hoping you properly understood what was just said. Stress is reduced when you’re able to listen and participate in conversations – in person and on the phone.
  • Increase happiness: It is a joy to be able to chat with friends and family. Watching television or attending concerts is more enjoyable when you can hear every detail. Life is more fulfilling when everything sounds the way you expect.

Everyone experiences sound differently and has unique challenges. The benefits you’ll experience will be exclusive to you. When you visit us for an assessment, we’ll be able to outline what improvements you’ll notice when you wear hearing aids. This is an exciting conversation because we get to share the many opportunities of better hearing.

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